The Burden of Diabetes and HIV among Older Adults in Agincourt, South Africa

Livia Montana, Harvard University
Jennifer Manne, Harvard University
Sze Liu, Harvard University

Global deaths due to diabetes have doubled since 1990, and prevalence may double in Sub-Saharan Africa in the coming decades. The HIV epidemic may be a potential driver of the increase because ART medications are known to increase risk of metabolic syndrome. ART has also been shown to increase life expectancy in South Africa, and as people live longer, they may be more likely to develop the disease. Furthermore, increased contact with health services due to the HIV epidemic may lead to additional screening and diagnoses of diabetes cases. We analyze new data from a cohort of South African adults aged 40+, HAALSI, in Agincourt, South Africa. Our results offer new insight into the clinical status, knowledge and health behavior with respect to Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, a non-communicable disease with a substantial impact on population health but about which relatively little is known among aging populations in Africa.

  See extended abstract

Presented in Session 193: Aging and Health Care in Low and Middle Income Countries