Processing the Census Bureau’s Population Estimates
Ben Bolender, U.S. Census Bureau
Larry D. Sink, U.S. Census Bureau
The Population Estimates and Projections area at the U.S. Census Bureau develops population estimates for the nation, states, and counties by age, sex, 31 race groups, and Hispanic origin; population estimates for Puerto Rico and its municipios by age and sex; and total population estimates for cities, towns, and school districts. These estimates are the foundation for funding allocations, survey controls, and the development of federal, state, and local government agency statistics. To develop and release these estimates by mandated deadlines, we have created a sophisticated process for data acquisition, simulation, processing, review, and dissemination. This project describes our annual schedule, input data sources, matrix-oriented work structure, teams and internal processes, systems for sharing data internally, and methods we use to release our data to interested data users and the public. It provides a clear overview of the organization behind our estimates production process.
Presented in Poster Session 2: Data and Methods/Applied Demography/ Spatial Demography/ Demography of Crime