Demographic, Economic and Social Challenges of the Ageing Population in Cameroon
Kelodjoue Samuel, University of Dschang
The successive crises: food and financial coupled with structural adjustment programs have in fact worsened the problems of the elderly, without having, for compensation, provided the corresponding benefits for other age groups in Cameroon. This study contributes to the analysis of changes over time in the family support system, especially with regard to heads of household aged in Cameroon. To achieve this, we have structured our discussion around three questions: 1) what is the extent and nature of the ageing of the Cameroonian population over time? 2) what are the demographic, economic and social implications? and 3) what is the impact of economic and social change on reports and intergenerational relationships? The data that we use come from the General Census of Population and Housing of 1976, 1987 and 2005 and the Cameroonian Household Survey of 2007.
See paper
Presented in Session 193: Aging and Health Care in Low and Middle Income Countries