Session 223:
Population and Natural Disasters
Chair: Jacques Véron, Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED)
Discussant: Lori M. Hunter, University of Colorado, Boulder
Typhoons, Child Mortality, and Excess Fertility in a Disaster-Prone Country J.M. Ian Salas, Harvard University
Risks of Exposure and Vulnerability to Natural Disasters at the City Level: A Global Overview Danan Gu, United Nations Population Division ; Patrick Gerland, United Nations Population Division ; François Pelletier, United Nations Population Division
Social Capital and the Repopulation of New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina Heather M. Rackin, Louisiana State University ; Frederick Weil, Louisiana State University
Natural Disaster and Sickness Shocks: Evidence of Informal Insurance from Bangladesh Pallab Mozumder, Florida International University ; Nafisa Halim, Boston University
Other sessions on Population, Development, and the Environment