Session 176:
Sexual Orientation and Mental Health Outcomes
Discussant: Mieke B. Thomeer, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Chair: Zhe Zhang, Ohio State University
Mental Disorders, Distress, and Stressful Life Events by Sexual Orientation: Results of the Minnesota College Student Health Survey Julia Przedworski, University of Minnesota ; Nicole VanKim, University of Minnesota ; Marla Eisenberg, University of Minnesota ; Donna McAlpine, University of Minnesota ; Katherine Lust, University of Minnesota ; Melissa Laska, University of Minnesota
Health and Violence among Men Who Have Sex with Men: Findings from a Cross-Sectional Population-Based Survey in Seven Sites across Asia-Pacific Stephanie Miedema, Emory University ; Emma Fulu, Medical Research Council of South Africa ; Kristin Dunkle, Emory University
Age Discrimination and Depressive Symptoms among Midlife and Older Gay-Identified Men Frederick Harig, University of California, Los Angeles ; Richard G. Wight, University of California, Los Angeles
Sexual Identity, Mental Health, and Risky Health Behaviors: New Evidence from Australia Joseph J. Sabia, San Diego State University ; Mark Wooden, University of Melbourne
Other sessions on Health and Mortality