Challenges to Realize the Gender Dividend: Analysis of the Time Use Patterns in Costa Rica

Pamela Jimenez-Fontana, Universidad de Costa Rica

The gender dividend is considered a potential opportunity for economic growth that comes from an increase in women’s labor force participation. However, considering that domestic production likely has a lower economic value in the market, most of the opportunities to realize a gender dividend come from a higher female participation in the labor market. Furthermore, non-market production might be considered a barrier that women face to increase their participation in the work force. To assess the relationship between non-market production and the potential for a gender dividend, this article analyzes the time use patterns of non-market production and consumption of the Metropolitan Area of Costa Rica using the National Time Transfer Account methodology. The article also disaggregates the main activities of non-remunerated production by working status. In addition, a potential unmet demand for childcare is estimated.

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Presented in Poster Session 1: Marriage, Unions, Families, and Households