Emigration and Remittance Dependency Syndrome in Haiti: Analysis of Haitian Immigration to Santa Catarina, Brazil

Luís Felipe Aires Magalhães, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP)
Rosana Baeninger, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP)

In capitalist periphery, the development meets the requirements and external Haiti is an example of this dynamic: the most prosperous colony becomes poorest country in America today. Human drama size makes international migration an alternative to thousands of people. This article has as its theme the recent emigration of Haitians in Brazil, particularly in the State of Santa Catarina. Objective is to interpret this flow taking into account the importance of remittances to Haiti, and the ratio of emigration syndrome. The hypothesis is that remittances generate a situation of dependence in which families can maintain their level of consumption only with the addition of new shipments, developing a "emigration syndrome" in the country. The methodology will be qualitative, with theoretical review of the concepts of dependency and emigration syndrome and application of semi-structured questionnaires to Haitian immigrants living in Balneario Camboriu - SC.

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Presented in Poster Session 6: Migration and Urbanization/Population, Development, and the Environment