Multiple Decrement Migration Table Revisited: Results from India

Nalin Singh Negi, BBC Media Action

The study of internal migration assumes special importance in any country in the process of development. By its very nature internal migration is related to a process of change occurring within the social system. Hence the broad objective of the study is to understand the pattern of internal migration in India from the perspective of all 4 streams of migration namely, rural to urban, urban to urban, rural to rural and urban to rural by using census 2001. Urban to urban and rural to urban are the two most dominating streams of migration in Indian context. However, rural to rural migration is comparatively high among females than males. Moreover, the general direction of migration is towards north. Migration expectancy reveals that people in rural areas and females are expected to move more than those in urban areas and those who are males.

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Presented in Poster Session 6: Migration and Urbanization/Population, Development, and the Environment