Inequalities in Human Well-Being in the Urban Ganges Brahmaputra Delta: Implications for Sustainable Development

Sylvia Szabo, University of Southampton
Rituparna Hajra, Jadavpur University
Zoe Matthews, University of Southampton
Angela Baschieri, University of Southampton

Little attention has thus far been paid to wealth-based inequalities in rapidly urbanising delta regions. Using capabilities and human rights approach, the present study aims to fill this lacuna by examining the extent of inequalities in human well-being in the urban Bangladeshi Ganges Brahmaputra delta. Using the data from 2010 Household Income and Expenditure Survey (HIES), statistical analyses consider traditional inequality measures, such as concentration curves and indices, Atkinson index and regression modelling. The results show that intra-urban inequalities in the study area are largest in access to food and post natal care. The results further suggest that, controlling for other socio-economic characteristics, female-headed households are more likely to experience lower levels of consumption and suffer from poorer health outcomes. Given the rapid pace of urbanisation and increasing wealth inequalities in Bangladesh, it is crucial to invest in good governance and sustainable development initiatives at regional, national and international levels.

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Presented in Poster Session 6: Migration and Urbanization/Population, Development, and the Environment