The Influence of Partner Choice on Childbearing among Second-Generation Turkish and Moroccan Women in Belgium

Lisa Van Landschoot, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Didier Willaert, Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Despite the often claimed interrelatedness of events in life, union –and family formation have been largely studied separately. In particular for young adults of migrant origin having a partner of the same (endogamy) or other (exogamy) ethnic origin may translate in different subsequent childbearing patterns. This paper aims to fill this gap in the literature and questions how and to what extent partner choice of second- generation women of Turkish –and Moroccan origin affects their childbearing behaviour. For this we make a crucial distinction between types of partnerships: those with a first -, a 1.5 -, a second-generation same origin or native partner. We focus on Belgium using unique linked Census (2001) and Population Register data (2006). Applying event history analysis, first findings reveal clear linkages between union type and childbearing: the highest rates to parenthood are found when the partner is first- generation and lowest rates are when the partner is native Belgian.

  See extended abstract

Presented in Poster Session 1: Marriage, Unions, Families, and Households