Understanding the Linkage between International and Internal Migration Process: A Study of Eastern Uttar Pradesh, India

Archana K. Roy, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)
Shailendra Singh, Banaras Hindu University

The issues of concern for internal and international migration dynamics are whether today’s internal migrants are tomorrow’s potential international migrants; whether international and internal migration are substitutes for each other; and whether internal and international migrants share the same profile. Present study based on both primary and secondary data attempts to understand the linkage between internal and international migration process and pattern by taking case of Eastern Uttar Pradesh, a poor but highly migration-prone region of India. International migration from this region started long back in 1833 during colonial period but due to global political and economic dynamics it could not develop into migration corridor. However it could link this region with internal destinations which was intensified after independence. In contemporary period, international migration from the region occurs through internal migration and the internal destinations in fact, act as incubator for the first time international migrates.

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Presented in Poster Session 6: Migration and Urbanization/Population, Development, and the Environment