Estimating Neonatal Mortality
Monica Alexander, University of California, Berkeley
In recent years, much of the focus in monitoring child mortality has been on assessing changes in the under-five mortality rate (U5MR). However, as the U5MR decreases, the share of neonatal deaths (within the first month) tends to increase, warranting increased efforts in monitoring this indicator in addition to the U5MR. A Bayesian splines regression model is presented for estimating neonatal mortality rates (NMR) for all countries. In the model, the relationship between NMR and U5MR is assessed and used to inform estimates, and spline regression models are used to capture country-specific trends. As such, the resulting NMR estimates incorporate trends in overall child mortality while also capturing data-driven trends. The model is fitted to 195 countries over the period 1990--2015.
See paper
Presented in Session 234: Formal Demography of Mortality