Caught in the Middle? Differences in Work/Family Conflicts for “Sandwich Generation” Women Living in Their Own Home Compared to Those Who Live in Their Parents’ Home

Renee Ellis, U.S. Census Bureau

As the population ages, and marriage and childbearing are delayed, the potential for concurrent caring of parents and children increase. Caring for children and parents may influence parents, particularly women, to stop working or work part-time. Some research finds women with dependent children under 18 and coresident parents experience work interruptions, unemployment or reduction in work hours. Other research finds that the availability of parents for housework and/or childcare improves a woman’s ability to work. This study examines how having coresident parents and children impact part time work or work stoppages due to childcare and/or family obligations. Using the Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP), this study contributes to the literature by distinguishing between women who live in their own home and those that live in their parents’ home. This distinction helps differentiate workers that balance care of children and parents from those that utilize parent support.

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Presented in Session 131: Work-Family Balance and Conflict