Session 88:
Attitudes and Expectations in Family Formation
Chair: Laryssa Mykyta, U.S. Census Bureau
Discussant: Adrianne Frech, University of Akron
Religion, Marriage Markets, and Assortative Mating in the United States David McClendon, University of Texas at Austin
The Intergenerational Transmission of Marital Expectations and Age at First Marriage: Evidence from Mothers and Children in the NLSY79 and NLSY79 Young Adults Rachel R. Brown, Ohio State University ; Claire M. Kamp Dush, Ohio State University
Older Adult Attitudes toward Cohabitation: Two Decades of Change Susan L. Brown, Bowling Green State University ; Matthew Wright, Bowling Green State University
Attitudes towards Unmarried Cohabitation in Europe Lívia Murinkó, Hungarian Demographic Research Institute ; Zsolt Spéder, Hungarian Demographic Research Institute
Other sessions on Marriage, Family, Households, and Unions