Session 82:
Big Data for Population Research
Chair: Emilio Zagheni, University of Washington
Discussant: Emmanuel F. Letouzé, University of California, Berkeley
Millionaire Migration and the Taxation of the Elite: Evidence from Administrative Data Cristobal Young, Stanford University ; Charles Varner, Stanford University ; Ithai Lurie, U.S. Department of the Treasury ; Richard Prisinzano, U.S. Department of the Treasury
Online Information Behaviors during Disaster Events: Roles, Routines, and Reactions Harrison T. Reeder, Carleton College ; Tyler McCormick, University of Washington ; Emma Spiro, University of Washington
Using the Annual Social and Economic Supplement with Current Population Survey Panels Jose Pacas, University of Minnesota ; Sarah Flood, University of Minnesota
Self-Presentation and Information Disclosure on Twitter: Understanding Patterns along Demographic Lines Nina Cesare, University of Washington ; Emma Spiro, University of Washington ; Hedwig Lee, University of Washington
Other sessions on Data and Methods