Session 43:
Health Insurance, Health Care Use, and Health
Discussant: Genevieve M. Kenney, Urban Institute
Chair: Robin Cohen, National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), CDC
The Long-Term Health Effects of Early Life Medicaid Coverage Laura R. Wherry, University of California, Los Angeles ; Sarah Miller, University of Michigan
Short-Run Effects of Job Loss on Health Conditions, Health Insurance, and Health Care Utilization Jessamyn Schaller, University of Arizona ; Ann H. Stevens, University of California, Davis
The Effect of Health Insurance on the Demand for Appropriate Levels of Medical Care Jerome Dugan, University of Maryland
Can Health Insurance Improve Health and Reduce Mortality? Evidence from the Seguro Popular Program in Mexico Susan Parker, Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE) ; Joseph Saenz, University of Texas at Galveston ; Rebeca Wong, University of Texas at Galveston
Other sessions on Health and Mortality