Thursday, April 30 / 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM   •   Sapphire Ballroom A

Session 41:
Assimilation and Integration

Discussant: Nancy A. Denton, University at Albany, State University of New York (SUNY)
Chair: Eric Fong, University of Toronto and Chinese University of Hong Kong

  1. Who Moves into What Kinds of Neighborhoods? Spatial Sorting and IntegrationWilliam A. V. Clark, University of California, Los Angeles

  2. Neighborhood Contexts and Dietary Acculturation among Mexican-Origin ChildrenJennifer Van Hook, Pennsylvania State University ; Susana Quiros, Pennsylvania State University ; Michelle Frisco, Pennsylvania State University ; Emnet Fikru, Pennsylvania State University

  3. The New Third Generation: Post-1965 Immigration and the Long March of AssimilationTomás Jiménez, Stanford University ; Julie Park, University of Maryland ; Juan M. Pedroza, Stanford University

  4. The Immigrant Double Disadvantage among Blacks in the United StatesKatharine M. Donato, Vanderbilt University ; Anna Jacobs, Vanderbilt University ; Brittany Hearne, Vanderbilt University

Other sessions on Migration and Urbanization