Saturday, May 2 / 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM   •   Sapphire Ballroom M

Session 202:
Dynamic Models in Demography

Chair: Robert Schoen, Pennsylvania State University
Discussant: Vladimir Canudas-Romo, Max Planck Odense Center

  1. The Impact of Model Misspecification on Parameter Estimates in Mortality Models of the Gompertz FamilyTrifon I. Missov, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research ; Laszlo Nemeth, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research

  2. The Demographic Transition, Social Network Change, and the Size of the West African Ebola OutbreakAshton M. Verdery, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ; Nalyn Siripong, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ; Jonathan Daw, University of Alabama at Birmingham ; James Moody, Duke University

  3. Sensitivity Analysis of Population Projections: Models Structured by Age and SexNora Sánchez Gassen, University of Southampton ; Hal Caswell, University of Amsterdam

  4. Stationary Fertility Trajectories and Population Momentum under Continually Falling MortalityCarl P. Schmertmann, Florida State University ; Roland Rau, University of Rostock

Other sessions on Data and Methods