Thursday, April 30 / 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM   •   Aqua 313

Session 16:
Immigration and Population Change: Implications for Business and Government

Discussant: Jeffrey S. Passel, Pew Hispanic Center
Chair: Dowell Myers, University of Southern California

  1. The Population Decline of Puerto Rico: An Application of Prospective Trends in Cohort-Component ProjectionsAlexis R. Santos-Lozada, University of Texas at San Antonio ; Alberto Velazquez, Instituto de Estadísticas de Puerto Rico

  2. Renting, Crowded, and Unaffordable? Social Vulnerabilities and the Accumulation of Precarious Housing Conditions in Los AngelesEileen Diaz McConnell, Arizona State University

  3. High Fertility, Low Mortality: Hispanic Natural Increase and the Growing Spatial Diversity of the U.S. PopulationKenneth M. Johnson, University of New Hampshire ; Daniel T. Lichter, Cornell University

  4. Previous Migration Experience and Legal Immigration Status among Mexican Immigrants: Impacts on Social SecurityPeter Brownell, RAND Corporation ; Michael S. Rendall, University of Maryland

Other sessions on Applied Demography