Friday, May 1 / 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM   •   Aqua 311 A

Session 156:
Cross-National Contexts of Men's and Women's Family Work

Chair: Sandra Hofferth, University of Maryland
Discussant: Lyn Craig, University of New South Wales

  1. Cross-Country Study on Women’s Time in Reproductive Work, Food Security and Nutrition in AgricultureHitomi Komatsu, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) ; Hazel Malapit, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

  2. Overworked and Underslept? The Changing Sleep Durations of Men and Women in Sweden (1990-2010)Jeffrey Neilson, Lund University

  3. Safety Concerns, Intensive Parenting, and the Rise in Childcare Time in 11 Industrialized Countries, 1980 to 2008Javier Garcia-Manglano, University of Oxford ; Almudena Sevilla-Sanz, Queen Mary University of London ; Cristina Borra, Universidad de Sevilla

  4. Educational Differences in Parents’ Child Care Time in Cross-National Perspective: The Contexts of Belgium, Denmark, Spain, and United KingdomPablo Gracia, University of Amsterdam ; Joris Ghysels, Universiteit Maastricht

Other sessions on Children and Youth