Friday, May 1 / 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM   •   Sapphire Ballroom M

Session 142:
Family, Fertility, and Well-Being: Studies from International Census Microdata

Discussant: Charles Hirschman, University of Washington
Chair: Patrick Gerland, United Nations Population Division

  1. Polarization through Assortative Mating: Is Social Closure among the College Educated Increasing?IƱaki Permanyer, Center for Demographic Studies (Barcelona) ; Albert Esteve, Center for Demographic Studies (Barcelona) ; Joan Garcia Roman, University of Minnesota

  2. Reading Fertility Stalls in Census Data: The Case of KenyaMichel Garenne, Institut Pasteur ; Clifford O. Odimegwu, University of the Witwatersrand ; Robert McCaa, University of Minnesota ; Sunday A. Adedini, University of the Witwatersrand and Obafemi Awolowo University ; Garikayi Chemhaka, University of the Witwatersrand

  3. Fertility Decline in Brazil and México: Tempo, Quantum and Parity CompositionEduardo L. G. Rios-Neto, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG) ; Adriana Miranda-Ribeiro, Cedeplar, UFMG

  4. Assessment of the Disability Indicator Available through IPUMS International for the Calculation of Healthy Life ExpectancyReiko Hayashi, National Institute of Population and Social Security Research, Japan

Other sessions on Data and Methods