Session 122:
Challenges in Small Area Demography: New Trends and Explanations
Discussant: Stuart H. Sweeney, University of California, Santa Barbara
Chair: Jack Baker, University of New Mexico
Overcoming Data Issues to Project Interregional Migration Flows amongst Australia’s Indigenous Population James Raymer, Australian National University
Population Projections and Risk of Inundation from Mean Sea Level Rise for the United States in 2100 Mathew E. Hauer, University of Georgia
Model-Based Small Area Estimation of Healthcare Outcome Integrating Census and Survey Data in Ghana: Methodological Challenges and Policy Implications Fiifi Amoako Johnson, University of Southampton ; Hukum Chandra, University of Southampton ; Nikos Tzavidis, University of Southampton ; Sabu S. Padmadas, University of Southampton
Other sessions on Applied Demography