Friday, May 1 / 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM   •   Sapphire 411 B

Session 119:
The Origins of Policies Influencing Fertility, Family Planning, and Sexual Health

Chair: Rachel S. Robinson, American University
Discussant: Rachel S. Robinson, American University

  1. All for a Good Cause: The Denominator Problem in Reproductive Health AdvocacyAlaka Malwade Basu, Cornell University

  2. What Is the Evidence That Evidence Is Used in Decisionmaking on Family Planning Policies, Programs and Practices?Karen Hardee, Population Council ; Joanne Spicehandler, Independent Consultant

  3. Agenda Setting Processes and Policy Actors in Low-Middle Income Countries: A Case of Free Family Planning Service Policy Agenda in GhanaAugustina Koduah, Ministry of Health, Ghana ; Han VanDijk, Wageningen University ; Irene Agyepong, Ghana Health Service

  4. The Levers of Change in Government Policy toward Family Planning in the Democratic Republic of the CongoThibaut Mukaba, USAID, Kinshasa ; Arsene Binanga, Tulane University ; Sarah Fohl, Tulane University ; Jane Bertrand, Tulane University

Other sessions on Fertility, Family Planning, Sexual Behavior, and Reproductive Health