Friday, May 1 / 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM   •   Sapphire Ballroom L

Session 109:
Health Implications of the Great Recession

Chair: Brian K. Finch, University of Southern California
Discussant: Ashlesha Datar, RAND Corporation

  1. Employment Trajectories in the Aftermath of the Great Recession and Their Implications for HealthLucie Kalousova, University of Michigan ; Sarah A. Burgard, University of Michigan

  2. The Impact of Economic Conditions on Mortality over the LifetimeDavid Cutler, Harvard University ; Wei Huang, Harvard University ; Adriana Lleras-Muney, University of California, Los Angeles

  3. The Physiological Impacts of Wealth Shocks in Late Life: Evidence from the Great RecessionCourtney Boen, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ; Yang Claire Yang, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

  4. Mortality Effects of the Great Recession in High-Income NationsGlenn Firebaugh, Pennsylvania State University ; Francesco Acciai, Pennsylvania State University

Other sessions on Health and Mortality