Session 105:
Retirement, Retirement Age, and Work in Later Adulthood
Chair: Charlene M. Kalenkoski, Texas Tech University
Discussant: David C. Ribar, University of Melbourne
Discussant: Jennifer Ward-Batts, Wayne State University
Retirement Expectations among Dual-Earner Couples Jonathan Jackson, University of Maryland
The Delayed Retirement Credit (Doorwerkbonus) and Labor Supply in the Netherlands Alice Zulkarnain, Graduate Center, City University of New York (CUNY) and CUNY Institute for Demographic Research (CIDR)
Spouses' Retirement and the Take-Up of Disability Pension Julian Johnsen, University of Bergen ; Kjell Vaage, University of Bergen
Later Life Job Changes before and after the Great Recession Richard W. Johnson, Urban Institute
Other sessions on Population and Aging