Friday, May 1 / 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM   •   Sapphire Ballroom D

Session 101:
Innovations in Applied Demography

Discussant: Ken Hodges, Nielsen
Chair: Stephen J. Tordella, Decision Demographics

  1. Projecting Fertility for the 1.5 GenerationJennifer M. Ortman, U.S. Census Bureau ; Sandra Colby, U.S. Census Bureau

  2. Assimilation and Coverage of the Foreign-Born Population in Administrative RecordsRenuka Bhaskar, U.S. Census Bureau ; Leticia Fernandez, U.S. Census Bureau

  3. When Race and Hispanic Origin Reporting Are Discrepant across Administrative Records Sources: Exploring Methods to Assign ResponsesSharon R. Ennis, U.S. Census Bureau ; Sonya Rastogi, U.S. Census Bureau ; James Noon, U.S. Census Bureau ; Ellen Zapata, U.S. Census Bureau

  4. Creating a Longitudinal Data Infrastructure at the Census BureauCatherine Massey, U.S. Census Bureau ; Trent Alexander, U.S. Census Bureau ; Amy B. O'Hara, U.S. Census Bureau ; Todd K. Gardner, U.S. Census Bureau

Other sessions on Applied Demography