Unplanned Pregnancies and Induced Abortions in Mexico: The Influence of Reproductive Health Care Access

Fátima Juárez, El Colegio de México

Despite the Mexico’s impressive gains in the area of health and reproductive health, for example, the constitution was amended to give all Mexicans the right to “decide in a free, responsible and informed manner on the number and spacing of their children” and contraceptives a free for all the population, several policies and health reforms they have not had positive outcome for the health and wellbeing of women in the country. Induced abortion is a major problem in Mexico. More than half of the pregnancies are unintended and result on over a million induced abortions per year. This health problem occurs in every state of Mexico. The aim of this study is to examine the abortion rate identifying the most vulnerable women in the country and to investigate the factors and health policies that have contributed to the high abortion level in the country.

Presented in Session 75: The Impacts of Health Reform in Mexico and the United States on Mexican-Origin Populations