Consequence of Family Planning Practice on School Attendance and School Progression Rate among Children in India, 1992-2006

Puspita Datta, Independent Consultant

In a developing country scenario, like India high fertility is not only the concern but also progress in terms of educational development is also a high priority. It is well established fact that education and fertility are interlinked through quantity-quality tradeoff theory. Question arises, how utilization of family planning method is influencing the children’s schooling attainment and especially what is the effect of the use of contraception on school progression of the children in India. The results analyzing three rounds of Indian version of DHS, National family Health Survey show that the family size and contraceptive use has more impact at the enrollment in primary level and though there is significant impact of these two variables controlling for other covariates in the secondary level, but for the secondary level enrollment the extent of the effect is lessened. The findings also reveal gender discrimination in educational attainment, indicates further detail research.

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Presented in Poster Session 9: Family Planning, Sexual Behavior, and Reproductive Health