The Preparation of Thai Older Persons Entering the Elderly
Sutthida Chaunwan, Mahidol University
Teeranong Sakulsri, Institute for Population and Social Research
This study aimed to examine the situation of the Preparation of Thai Older persons who living alone and living with spouse only entering to the elderly. The samples were elderly 60 years and over. Older persons aged 50 to 59 years living in private were examined to study the preparation for entering to the elderly. The data are from The Survey of older persons in 2002, 2007 and 2011 conducted by National Statistics Office, Thailand. It can be concluded that most Thai elderly realized to be planned and prepared for entering to the elderly. For the aspect of preparation which elderly can prepared by themselves including the aspect of Financially, Health, Living quarters and spiritually, most elderly are more likely to plan and prepare. For the aspect of arranged for the caregiver, even elderly have planned and prepared, but there were only one fourth of elderly can be done.
Presented in Poster Session 4: Children and Youth/Population and Aging