Subjective Cognitive Impairment of Older Adults: A Comparison between the U.S. and China

Qiong Wu, Peking University

Based on two nationally representative surveys from the US and China, the study observed a discrepancy between self-reported cognitive impairment and directly assessed memory function among older adults: while the Chinese reported lower levels of subjective cognitive impairment, the US older adults demonstrated better performance in both immediate and delayed word recall tests. By accounting for possible heterogeneity in reporting styles using data from three anchoring vignettes, Chinese older adults showed higher levels of cognitive impairment than the US older adults, which was consistent with direct assessment of memories. Non-negligible differences are present in reporting styles of subjective evaluation of cognitive impairment. Cross cultural comparison needs to take into account such reporting heterogeneity.

  See extended abstract

Presented in Poster Session 2: Data and Methods/Applied Demography/ Spatial Demography/ Demography of Crime