The Individual and Community-Level Determinants of Retention of Anglophone and Francophone Immigrants across Canada
Michael Haan, University of New Brunswick
Jacob Travis, University of New Brunswick
Jake Arbuckle, Government of New Brunswick
For nearly 500 years, Canada has had English- and French-speaking communities, but with fertility declines and mass migration, some of these communities are in jeopardy, pointing to Anglophone and Francophone immigration as a partial remedy. The central purpose of this presentation will be to analyze the factors at the individual and community level that affect the retention of Anglophone and Francophone immigrants in Canada. Of particular interest is the role that lingual concentration might play in immigrant retention, and the extent to which governments should develop policies to encourage the settlement of newcomers in communities that share their language.
See paper
Presented in Session 184: Spatial Patterns and Assimilation