Caregiving Patterns to Older Adults in India
Allen P. Ugargol, University of Groningen and Institute for Social and Economic Change, India
Inge Hutter, University of Groningen
K. S. James, Institute for Social and Economic Change, India
Ajay Bailey, University of Groningen
In India, older adults are now living longer and the size of the older population is steadily increasing. In living longer, older adults are also requiring more assistance in managing their daily routine, functional and health requirements. This paper analyses survey data on older adults in India (BKPAI, 2011) and investigates the emerging patterns of caregiving to older adults. It explores the contribution of family, non-family, formal and informal caregivers in caregiving to older adults' through their morbidity, functional status and disability experience. These conditions dictate the care needs of older adults and caregivers to older adults vary depending on the care need and the type of living arrangement. Family caregiving is still common in India; however, changing living arrangements and family composition could alter care availability to older adults. The care gaps of older adults living alone will need to be addressed through require thoughtful policy formulation and action.
Presented in Poster Session 5: Adult Health and Mortality