There's No Place like Home: Housing Reconstruction and Assistance after the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami

Elizabeth Frankenberg, Duke University
Maria M. Laurito, Duke University
Duncan Thomas, Duke University

The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami caused widespread death and destruction in Aceh, Indonesia. About five percent of the population was killed and property damages were estimated at $4.5billion. In its aftermath, Indonesia received some $7billion in aid, which they used to “build back better” infrastructure. We use data from the Study of the Tsunami Aftermath and Recovery (STAR), a large-scale population-representative longitudinal survey, to examine the tsunami's impact on housing and homeownership and the subsequent reconstruction program's effect on housing over time. We begin by characterizing the population that experienced damage to their home. Then, we identify who benefited from the reconstruction program to assess how assistance was allocated. Finally, we explore longer-term impacts of housing damage on well-being, and the role of housing aid mediating these effects. Preliminary results confirm housing aid was strongly targeted toward communities that experienced significant damage and, within those communities, to those who experienced destruction.

  See extended abstract

Presented in Session 79: Housing Policy and Household Demography