Internal and International Mobility in New Migration Scenarios in South America: The Case of Colombia

Silvia Giorguli-Saucedo, El Colegio de México
Eduardo Torre-Cantalapiedra, El Colegio de México

During the last decades, South America has emerged as a region with an increasing mobility and a large diversity of internal, intra-regional and international flows. Colombia illustrates well this new dynamic. It has seen a long-time migration to the US, a recent increase of migration to Spain and a particular pattern of internal mobility linked to the urbanization process and the political conflict in the country. In this paper, we explore the mobility patterns in Colombia during the past five decades based on retrospective information from the Latin American Migration Project. Using survival analysis techniques, we explore the changes in international and internal mobility. We estimate discrete time hazard models to analyze the differences in the sociodemographic profile of internal and international migrants and the influence of macroeconomic variables on the probabilities of migrating internally, to the US, Spain or within South America.

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Presented in Session 125: Linking International and Internal Migration