The Impact of Relationship Status and Relationship Asymmetry on the Use of Condoms, Non-Barrier Contraception, and Dual Methods in Brazilian Women

Kiyomi Tsuyuki, University of California, San Diego
Regina Maria Barbosa, Núcleo de Estudos de População
Donald Morisky, University of California, Los Angeles

Relationship context, gender dynamics, and fertility desires all greatly influence decisions around condom use and contraception. This study focuses on dual methods for dual protection, against STIs (including HIV) and unintended pregnancy, and estimates the effects of socio-demographics, fertility desires, and relationship context on the use of dual methods, condoms, and non-barrier contraception. Weighted descriptive statistics and logistic regression models are estimated using the 2006 PNDS, a nationally representative household survey of women of reproductive age in Brazil. We find that relationship status is associated with whether or not condoms are used and that relationship asymmetry is associated with dual method use. Lastly, we find that women who use dual methods use condoms less consistently than women who use condoms only for dual protection. This study finds preliminary evidence that casual partners use condoms consistently and use dual methods and non-barrier contraception as they transition to being long-term romantic partners.

  See extended abstract

Presented in Session 74: His and Her Contraceptive Use