Grandparenting in Three-Generation Families and the Health of Their Grandchildren

Chad Evans, University of Pennsylvania

The prevalence of grandparents in homes with young children has grown considerably over the past three decades, yet we do not know what this means for child health. Using data from three waves of the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study (N=4,956 person waves), I investigate the relationship between grandparent co-residency and grandchild health. I find households with co-residing grandparents to be positively associated with grandchild health. This study also finds evidence of a marginally stronger association related to grandfather co-residency, although this may be due to selection. This paper next investigates the role of instrumental support in the relationship between grandparent co-residency and grandchild health. It finds no evidence of mediation by common grandparental supports, like caregiving, provision of housing and income.

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Presented in Poster Session 4: Children and Youth/Population and Aging