How We Use Our Time in Adolescence and Young Adulthood: Another Look at Social Inequities by Race and Gender in the U.S.
Linnea A. Evans, University of Michigan
Extant research has examined how time-use in education, work, household tasks, sleep, and various forms of leisure differ for adolescents by social identities such as race and gender. Yet little work has been done to examine how time-use varies at the intersection of these identities, and as we age from adolescence to young adulthood. This study describes time-use profiles of non-Hispanic White and Black males and females, age 15-35, using data from the 2003-2012 American Time Use Survey. Following descriptive analyses of time-use by these strata, OLS regression is employed to examine how race influences time-use for each gender group, in the presence of available SEP measures and other survey controls.
Presented in Poster Session 4: Children and Youth/Population and Aging