Reconceptualizing Neighborhoods of Marginal Men: A New Measure of Spatial Exposure
Naomi Sugie, University of California, Irvine
Wade C. Jacobsen, Pennsylvania State University
Recognizing the importance of assessing spatial areas with nonresidential measures, a growing body of research is using new methods to operationalize neighborhoods and spatial contexts. Although fruitful, we suggest that many of these approaches may be inappropriate for marginalized and disadvantaged groups with variable social networks and daily routines. To address these gaps, we develop a new measure called spatial exposure and illustrate its advantages using smartphone GPS and experience sampling survey data from parolees in Newark, New Jersey. Preliminary findings stand in contrast to other research on marginalized groups that relies on residential address and daily routines. Residential neighborhoods are the most disadvantaged areas frequented, but only a third of daytime hours is spent in these neighborhoods. In addition to these findings, our research will focus on the characteristics and functions of the more advantaged nonresidential neighborhoods for our population of returning prisoners.
Presented in Session 51: Methods of Spatial Analysis