Fertility Intentions and Contraceptive Switching in Urban Uttar Pradesh India: Results from Longitudinal Analysis
Sowmya Rajan, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Ilene S. Speizer, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
David Guilkey, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Martha Priedman, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
This study examines patterns of contraceptive switching and discontinuation as they relate to fertility intentions using longitudinal data from married women in urban Uttar Pradesh, India. We plan to use the contraceptive calendar collected at endline to examine switching and abandonment over a five year period. For our analysis, we will use discrete-time event history hazard regression models to examine the impact of a woman’s baseline fertility intentions on the likelihood of her switching or discontinuing contraceptive use in each month during a five year calendar. Because of an historical emphasis on female sterilization, use of reversible contraceptive methods is only gradually on the upswing in India. By examining how fertility intentions are associated with contraceptive switching and abandonment, this study aims to shed light on the fertility-regulating behavior of women, a critical factor in reducing unintended fertility.
Presented in Poster Session 9: Family Planning, Sexual Behavior, and Reproductive Health