Impact of Unmet Need on the Inter-Genesique Interval of Young Mothers in Cameroon

Valerie Chemgne, CARE-IFA
Mireille Gneche, CARE-IFA
Ondoua Owoutou, Institut de Formation et de Recherche Démographiques (IFORD)

An unmet need for family planning is an important problem of sexual health among young people. their influences on the reproductive interval inter can cause complications for both the health of the mother than the child. Indeed intervals inter reproductive little too short led to malnutrition, impaired growth, underweight and even death to the child. In Cameroon, 14.5% of women of childbearing age had an unmet need for family planning, with a median inter-birth interval of 32 months. We are then entitled to know how the needs unmet family planning will influence the meantime they inter reproductive mothers in Cameroon? The objective will be to identify these determinants to advocate for women on the sidelines programs reproductive health for better decision making.

  See extended abstract

Presented in Poster Session 9: Family Planning, Sexual Behavior, and Reproductive Health