Contraceptive Dynamics following HIV Testing

Kerry MacQuarrie, ICF International
Sarah E. K. Bradley, ICF International
Sarah Staveteig, ICF International

This study uses Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) data from five sub-Saharan African countries to investigate how receipt of HIV test results influences subsequent contraceptive behavior. We analyze the effect of HIV testing during antenatal care on postpartum adoption of contraception. In two countries with more detailed data, we also examine adoption and discontinuation of contraception among non-postpartum women tested outside of the context of antenatal care. We use longitudinal contraceptive calendar data to estimate hazard models of a change in contraceptive behavior, using women’s HIV serostatus and whether and when they had been previously tested for HIV as covariates. Preliminary results find few significant differences in contraceptive patterns following HIV testing by HIV serostatus, but HIV testing itself is associated with quicker adoption of contraception in 4 out of 5 countries studied.

  See extended abstract

Presented in Poster Session 9: Family Planning, Sexual Behavior, and Reproductive Health