Maternal Death and Extent of Utilization of Maternity Care Services in India

Chandan Kumar, Central University of Karnataka
Prashant Kumar Singh, Institute for Human Development
Rajesh Kumar Rai, Society for Health and Demographic Surveillance

This study hypothesizes that there is a significant difference in the utilization of maternal healthcare services between women from households that experienced any maternal death and women from households that did not experience any maternal death, and analyzes the respective context in Indian population. Data from 2007-08 District Level Households and Facility Survey (DLHS-3) were used. Results indicate that women belonging to households that experienced maternal deaths were less likely to opt for full antenatal care (Odds Ratio (OR): 0.557; 95% CI: 0.353 - 0.876) and postnatal care (OR: 0.825; 95% CI: 0.606 - 0.912) as compared to women belonging to households that did not experience any maternal death. Conversely, women belonging to households experiencing maternal deaths were more likely to utilize skilled birth attendance (OR: 1.311; 95% CI: 1.030 - 1.730).

  See extended abstract

Presented in Poster Session 7: Health and Mortality of Women, Children and Families