Fertility Trends by Ethnic Groups in Cameroon: Evidence from Three Demographic and Health Surveys

Sonzia Teutsong, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne

Prior studies on fertility trends in sub-Saharan Africa paid little attention to differences between regions in the same country. The paper aims to emphasize the role of cultural determinants on the explanation of fertility pattern in Cameroon, a country where many ethnics groups interact. We highlight the differential of fertility in sub-national and socio-cultural level. We confirm fertility stall in Cameroon and we find that, this stall at the national level highly hides disparities in subgroups of population. Evidence from three Demographic and Health Surveys (1998-2011) data indicates significant fertility differences in cultural groups. In fact, while fertility has declined in some subgroups of population (mainly living in the south), it has on the contrary, continuously increased in three particular ethnic groups: Arab-Choa/Peulh/Haoussa/Kanuri, Biu-Mandara, Adamaoua-Oubangui (mainly living in the north). Likewise, after controlling some characteristics through multivariate analysis, differences continue remain statically significant. Keys words: Fertility Factors, Stall, Ethnicity, Cameroon

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Presented in Poster Session 3: Fertility Intentions and Behaviors