From Mother to Daughter: Do Equal Inheritance Property Laws Reform Improve Female Labour Supply and Educational Attainments in India

Rahul Sapkal, Universität Hamburg

In 2005, India witnessed a constitutional amendment to the Hindu Succession Act of 1956. It gave daughters equal inheritance rights as sons. However, five states in India had earlier amended the same Act in favour of daughters. Using this exogenous variation created by legislation on inheritance property rights, I exploit a difference-in- difference estimation strategy to estimate the impact of reform on female education, labour force participation and their daughter’s educational attainment. The study finds that-women who were exposed to the reform experience have greater average schooling years, and average months of labour force participation. It is interesting to note that this positive effect is also observed for their daughter’s educational attainment. Results obtained from this study are consistent with the complementary, substitute and equalising effects hypothesis.

  See extended abstract

Presented in Poster Session 8: Economy, Labor Force, Education, and Inequality/Gender, Race and Ethnicity