Trends in Socioeconomic Differentials in Fertility in Kenya
George O. Odwe, University of Nairobi
Alfred A. Otieno, University of Nairobi
Anne Khasakhala, University of Nairobi
The stall in fertility decline in sub Saharan Africa has attracted a number of debates since 2006. Several hypotheses have been suggested to be behind the stall; such as socioeconomic development, changes in proximate determinants, HIV through infant mortality and possibilities of data quality. In this study we examine trends in fertility levels by level of poverty and education and conclude stagnation or reversal could have also been through poverty due to decline in contraception and reversal in demand for children. The results here suggest that special attention and targeting are needed to address the needs of the poor and to reduce poverty-related inequalities in access to and use of contraception. Secondly, it calls for periodic monitoring of access to family planning services by the poor and setting targets that measure utilization of family planning services by the poor.
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Presented in Session 173: Social and Economic Factors and Fertility in Sub-Saharan Africa