North-South Differentials in Domestic Violence and Contraception Adaptation: Evidence from Rural India
Priyanka Koiri, Jawaharlal Nehru University
Nishikant Singh, Jawaharlal Nehru University
The study highlights how multilevel factors are linked to a woman's ability to adapt the contraceptives and consequently make fertility decisions in a context where being a wife implies obedience, limited mobility, sexual availability, and high fertility. Therefore this study explores the north south differentials in domestic violence and its links with adaptation of contraception. NFHS 3 data have been analyzed with help of bivariate and multivariate techniques. Findings suggest that the use of contraception is slightly less with physical violence as compared to the use of contraception without violence. Socioeconomic dominance of husbands in the households is significantly importance for the use of contraception. Though there is not any direct relationship between physical violence and contraception use but an alternate explanatory variables are significantly affected the use of contraception with physical violence, which reflect violence, is normalized, or considered acceptable, if women do not adhere to expected gender roles.
Presented in Poster Session 9: Family Planning, Sexual Behavior, and Reproductive Health