Sexual and Reproductive Health Assets during Transitions into Adolescence in Humanitarian Settings

Anna Kågesten, Johns Hopkins University
Jennifer Schlecht, Women's Refugee Commission
Courtland Robinson, Johns Hopkins University

Very young adolsecents (VYAs) aged 10-14 years in humanitarian settings is a negelected population in terms of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) research. This study exploes interpersonal relationships and SRH information among VYAs in two refugee and migrant camps. Cross-sectional data was collected among 10-14 year olds (N=805) residing in camps in Thailand and Ethiopia. We conducted an exploratory analysis of the range and correlates of interpersonal relationships and SRH information. Multiple logistic regression were used to model association with each outcome by age, gender, pubertal status, schooling and orphanhood. While outcome patterns varied by age, pubertal status was a stronger predictor of variablity in responses among both boys and girls. Few reported having learnt about body changes or pregnancy; the majority indictaed a need for more information. There is need for interventions that target the early antecendents of subsequent SRH and help promote heahty transitions into adolescence in humanitarian contexts.

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Presented in Poster Session 9: Family Planning, Sexual Behavior, and Reproductive Health