Concordance and Discordance Reporting of Contraceptive Use among Couples in Nigeria: Implication for Fertility and HIV Control
Kolawole E. Odusina, Federal University Oye-Ekiti
Akanni I. Akinyemi, Obafemi Awolowo University and University of the Witwatersrand
Lukman Bisiriyu, Obafemi Awolowo University
The need to understand sexual behaviour of couples within marital unions as well as extra-marital affairs is crucial in the fight against STIs. Agreement by couples on whether to use contraceptive or not is a major consideration if STIs and HIV incidents will be reduced. Therefore, this study examined concordance and discordance reporting of contraceptive use among couples in Nigeria. The analysis utilized the 2008 couples recode dataset. The data were analyzed using Kappa Statistics and multinomial logistic regression. The results showed that age, education, wealth index, residence, fertility desire and fertility preference were significant factors predicting concordance in reporting use of contraceptives (P<0.05) while work status, wealth status and fertility preference were significant factors predicting discordance in reporting use of contraceptive (P<0.05). The analysis concluded that couples concordance reporting on the use of family planning is important in addressing the scourge of HIV/AIDS and other STIs in Nigeria.
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Presented in Session 74: His and Her Contraceptive Use