A Measure on “Digit Non-Heaping”

Barun Kumar Mukhopadhyay, Independent Researcher

Objective of my paper is to focus on two research contributions one presented at the Social Statistics Section, American Statistical Association in 1958, and the current work proposed to be presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America in 2015. Former one purported hypothetical ranking of ten digits of ages, 0-9, when there was data deficiency 70 years back irrespective of residence. Developed countries improved over time whereas developing world remains almost same. An alternative approach only for the former countries uses ranking of ten digits from life table population and compares it with the same for raw data from censuses/surveys. Analysis reveals almost a one to one matching between the two rankings—life table and actual data, using Spearman rank correlation coefficient—which proclaims a new nomenclature, “digit non-heaping”. The earlier vis-a-vis proposed work, if cited in literature on population analysis, students from developing countries may be benefited.

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Presented in Poster Session 2: Data and Methods/Applied Demography/ Spatial Demography/ Demography of Crime