Population Ageing in Poland and Its Consequences on Public and Private Transfers
Agnieszka Chlon-Dominczak, Warsaw School of Economics
Wojciech Latkowski, Warsaw School of Economics
Poland’s population will be ageing at one of the fastest paces in Europe. As a result, from one of the youngest populations in Europe it will become one of the oldest ones. This is an unprecedented change that will have an impact on public expenditure level and structure affecting inter-generational directions of public and private (i.e. within families) transfers. We analyse potential effect of changes in the age structure of population on the size of private and public transfers By applying the National Transfer Accounts approach we investigate the relationship between the population age composition and economic development as well as public finance, in particular interrelation between transfers received early in the life course, particularly transfers in health and education, and transfers happening later in the life course (such as health, long-term care, disability, old-age transfers) that affects the level of public expenditure.
Presented in Poster Session 4: Children and Youth/Population and Aging